Michel Collon nous livre ici une interview passionnante qui aidera nombre de citoyens à comprendre comment les nations impérialistes et colonialistes dominent le monde pour le plus grand profit des multinationales et des 1%, en fomentant des guerres de ...
O colunista da Folha de S. Paulo, Leandro Collon, afirma que, pouco tempo antes do encontro chegara ao Senado um carrinho cheio de documentos sobre o pedido de abertura de processo de impeachment da petista, aprovado na Câmara dos Deputados.
Après avoir été repris en MBI par Rhône Alpes PME - 40 % du capital -, SDI, holding privé appartenant à l'homme d'affaires lyonnais Gildas Collon - 30 % - et son dirigeant actuel Jean-François Perchot (photo ci-contre) pour le solde en 2008, le ...
Mahler's Tenth rates as far more than a mere curiosity in the cabinet of incomplete symphonies. Not every detail comes from Mahler's pen, but Deryck Cooke's “performing version of the draft” lets us in on the doom-laden thoughts of the composer's final ...
There was a real authority about the CBSO's playing under Collon, the sense of an orchestra continuing to explore a work it knows inside out. Beyond the English Midlands, Cooke's score may not have quite secured the place in the canon it deserves.
One wonders what was going on in Nicholas Collon's mind as he stepped onto the CBSO podium for his third visit this season. Probably he had been in the frame for the succession to Andris Nelsons as the orchestra's principal conductor, but if he ...