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News from Ballagh
Launching the South Laois Tourism Ballagh Cycling Challenge which is being held Sunday 23rd June next are from left: Dom Reddin, Laois Tourism Officer; Caroline Myers, Laois Sports Partnership; Seamus Kavanagh, Ossory Cycling Club (front); Michael G ...
Take The <b>Ballagh</b> cycle challenge
ONE OF Ireland's finest and most distinctive artists Robert Ballagh, and his daughter Rachel, will hold their new exhibition in The Kenny Gallery. Ballagh & Ballagh...On Paper, featuring limited prints and original works on paper, opens in The Kenny ...
But Ballagh has told how a visit to New York last year to see the most expensive musical ever staged, Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark, provided ideas for a revamp of Riverdance for producers Moya Doherty and John McColgan in a production which will open ...
Photos from Ballagh
Cedar Lodge Hotel (Ireland) Cedar Lodge Hotel (Ireland)
Carrigbyrne, Newbawn
New Ross
The Horse and Hound Inn Hotel The Horse and Hound Inn Hotel
Ballinaboola, Foulksmills
New Ross
Brandon View B&B Brandon View B&B
Ballyling Lower,