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News from Ballina
Daniel Burdon Daniel Burdon is APN Australian Regional Media's Canberra bureau reporter, covering federal parliament and politics. He was previously a rural and general news reporter at the Morning Bulletin in Rockhampton and worked in Alice Springs ...
Budget 2016: Tax on smokes to jump 50% over four years
A 2.25m female shark is checked in October last year, about six weeks after it was tagged off Ballina's Lighthouse Beach in NSW. South Australian marine biologist Rachel Robbins. a juvenile great white shark spotted off South Ballina: Picture: Jason O ...
Great white tagging by WA DoF finally yields useful information
POLICE are are appealing for public help to find two people who have not returned to their family's home from a holiday in northern New South Wales. Dale and Cavell Lawlor were scheduled to leave Kingscliffe on Monday and return to a Durack home by ...
Queensland couple fail to return from NSW holiday
Pornography addiction is still controversial, but it is undeniable for those living within its destructive reach. Sex therapist Mary Hodson says we need to act quickly to tackle pornography's skyrocketing casualty list. During the past five years ...
Big read: Harm caused by pornography hits home
A senior British jihadi who boasted of recruiting hundreds of Britons for Isis has reportedly been killed in Syria. Raphael Hostey, also known as Abu Qaqa al-Britani, left Manchester to join Isis in 2013. The 23-year-old became a key recruiter of ...
Jihadi who killed hundreds for Isis killed in Syria
Weddings and funerals have been banned and Pyongyang is in lockdown as preparations for a once-in-a-generation party congress get underway in North Korea. The ruling Worker's Party of Korea, headed by the country's leader, Kim Jong-un, is due to ...
Weddings, funerals, movement banned in North Korea
Photos from Ballina