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News from Canty
Tod Canty, Jr. chats with a customer in his booth at the 2016 Offshore Technology Conference at NRG Park, Monday, May 2, 2016, in Houston. Canty was unable to rent a car at a reasonable rate because of the recent flooding in the area. ( Karen Warren ...
April showers bring a surprise for May visitors
Wayne Canty knows this problem well three overgrown lots surround his house he says it's a blight on the neighborhood. “It brings down definitely the value of it we definitely need to get it cut I don't know if the owners or the city are going to come ...
Lots Of Problems With Overgrown Lots In Augusta
Both Canty and Dyre, of Senior High, have been able to carve out time for their own interests amid demanding academic schedules, something that helped them become two of six semi-finalists from Montana for the U.S. Presidential Scholars Program.
West, Senior high students recognized by national scholar program
FALMOUTH – The Gus Canty Community Center in Falmouth was removed from the list of possible locations for a new senior center last fall, but selectmen recently resurrected the idea. The community center had been removed from consideration last fall due ...
Gus <b>Canty</b> Being Reconsidered for New Falmouth Senior Center
A fall prevention programme - ironically axed by ACC several years ago - has helped Canterbury DHB reduce falls among its elderly, saving more than $17 million over three years. Introduced by Canterbury's alliance, the Canterbury Clinical Network, in ...
<b>Canty</b> falls programme saves more than $17 million over three years
Gloria Hunniford opens Southlands Place Care Home, in Hastings Road, Bexhill. Photo by Derek Canty. SUS-160105-095128001. 10:33 Sunday 01 May 2016. 0. Have your say. TV and radio presenter Gloria Hunniford was guest of honour at the official ...
Glorious Gloria opens Bexhill care home
Photos from Canty