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News from Ardnacrusha
The level in Lough Derg is maintained within a narrow band of 0.3m in order to flow water into Ardnacrusha. The capacity of Lough Derg within this band equates to less than half a day's inflow from the Shannon at the current flowrates, in the context ...
It is a journey which alights at some familiar landmarks: no tale of modern architecture in Ireland would be complete without a study of the hydro-electric plant at Ardnacrusha, or the Busáras building, each covered in depth here. But, by virtue of its ...
Infra-Eireann: Infrastructure and the Architectures of Modernity in Ireland <b>...</b>
If you've been dreaming of a white Christmas amid the unseasonably warm conditions, there may be some hope yet. There has been a snowfall in Co Clare, where thick white flakes have been spotted falling in Ardnacrusha. However, there will be no white ...
Snow spotted falling in Clare this Christmas Eve
For the IFA's Turley, the 90-year old Ardnacrusha dam is a working museum-piece, irrelevant to Ireland's power needs. Yet the weir and the 15km-long canal that brings water to the turbines stabilise the lower Shannon. The weir marks a “fork” in the ...
The battle to control flooding on the River Shannon
For years he worked with the technical staff at Ardnacrusha ESB power station which impacts hugely on the lower Shannon system. And as a keen angler he knows every nook and cranny of that stretch of the river. Pointing to an aerial photograph in the ...
Irish Water&#39;s plan to take Shannon water to meet needs of greater Dublin area <b>...</b>
Irish Water today (Thursday 26 November) announced that the Parteen Basin on the Shannon, close to the ESB's hydroelectric plant at Ardnacrusha, is its preferred option for the supply point of a 165km pipeline to serve a growing population in Midlands ...
Photos from Ardnacrusha
Absolute Hotel & Spa. Absolute Hotel & Spa.
Sir Harry's Mall
The Boutique Hotel The Boutique Hotel
Denmark Street
The Pier Hotel The Pier Hotel
Sarsfield Bridge