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News from Quilty
Em outubro passado, apesar da rotineira penca de novas erupções no conflito do Afeganistão, o fotojornalista australiano Andrew Quilty decidiu fazer uma pausa na insanidade da desgraceira, para melhor mostrá-la. Uma semana antes um AC-130 da Forca ...
Ruínas humanas
Australian artist Ben Quilty has paid tribute to his friend and student Myuran Sukumaran on the one-year anniversary of the Bali Nine ringleader's execution. He said he was planning to put the convicted drug smuggler's artwork on display next year to ...
Ben <b>Quilty</b> says he will put Myuran Sukumaran&#39;s artworks on display
Australian artist Ben Quilty has paid tribute to his friend and student, Myuran Sukumaran, on the one-year anniversary of the Bali Nine ringleader's execution. Sukumaran, 34, and fellow convicted drug smuggler, Andrew Chan, 31, were executed by firing ...
Bali Nine duo remembered on anniversary
Sukumaran's paintings, including one of the Indonesian flag dripping with blood and a self-portrait with a gaping hole where his heart should be, became a haunting reflection of their final days on death row. Quilty posted a 166-word tribute and a ...
Bali Nine duo remembered on anniversary
"Next year you will prove again to the world the outcome of rehabilitation, the profound importance of forgiveness and compassion and most importantly of all, the power of art," Quilty wrote, adding he would be sending Indonesian president Joko Widodo ...
Australian artist Ben Quilty has paid tribute to his friend and student, Myuran Sukumaran, on the one-year anniversary of the Bali Nine ringleader's execution. Sukumaran, 34, and fellow convicted drug smuggler, Andrew Chan, 31, were executed by firing ...
Bali Nine duo remembered on anniversary
Photos from Quilty
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