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News from Turlough
THE Museum of Country Life - Turlough Park will come alive with family fun for everyone during Féile na Tuaithe on Saturday and Sunday, May 21 and 22, from 12 noon to 5 p.m. both days. Over the last few years food has become a very significant part of ...
Cooking up a storm at Féile na Tuaithe
Back row: Kevin McCaffrey (Tr3dent), Eamonn O'Donoghue (One Touch Telecare), Turlough Rafferty (GMIT iHub) and Michael Burke (Tr3dent). Front row: Eamon Crosby (BriteBiz), Dermot Clancy (One Touch Telecare) and Ciarán Flynn (Clearbookings).
GMIT Innovation Hub-based client One Touch Telecare wins the ITAG award 2016 <b>...</b>
That Turlough would later gain parity on the stroke of full-time following three unanswered points from Ronan Badger (2) and Conor Shaughnessy (free) said something about Damien Fox's charges fighting spirit but they then coughed up two cheap frees in ...
Resilient Loughrea survive a tough test from <b>Turlough</b>
Féile na Tuaithe in Turlough Park is one of the biggest free family festivals in the west and returns to the National Museum of Ireland – Country Life on Saturday May 21 and Sunday May 22. The festival was officially launched at the Museum of Country ...
Féile na Tuaithe is ready to bring the Museum to life
CARLOW manager Turlough O'Brien was quite rightly delighted with an excellent display away from home on Saturday. But he was more than a little disappointed by the turn-out of the county's supporters in Carrick-on-Shannon. “People get on your back ...
Amateurs de mélodies traditionnelles irlandaises ou de musique baroque, prêtez l'oreille au dernier opus du guitariste Pascal Bournet, Turlough O'Carolan, sorti dans les bacs en ce début mars. C'est le nom d'un sympathique barde irlandais aveugle, qui ...
<b>Turlough</b> O&#39;Carolan : Le guitariste Pascal Bournet livre un florilège d&#39;airs irlandais et baroques
Photos from Turlough
Drumcreehy House Drumcreehy House
Bishops Quarter
Ballyvaughan Lodge B&B Ballyvaughan Lodge B&B
Main Street
Logues Lodge Logues Lodge
Main Street