Turlough, Knockcroghery, Co Roscommon. Reposing at her home tomorrow Thursday from 3 until 8. Removal Friday morning to Rahara Church, Roscommon, for mass for Mary Beattie at 12. Funeral afterwards to Rahara Cemetery. House private Friday ...
A witness has told a court that the manager of a post office, who is on trial for perverting the course of justice, had confessed to him that he had tampered with a urine sample in a drink-driving case. Joe Miley, Knockcroghery, Co Roscommon, whose son ...
HUNDREDS of people joined a search over the weekend for a woman who vanished five days ago. Marian Naughton, 57, was last seen at the Grand Canal in Tullamore, Co Offaly, at around 2pm on Wednesday. The alarm was raised when family members ...
The traditional September Knockcroghery Fair swings into action this Thursday with a host of events planned for the South Roscommon village over the weekend. Highlights include a table quiz on Thursday evening, helicopter rides over the area on Sunday, ...
There is set to be a mass exodus from the Knockcroghery area later this summer as locals will have two Roses, both from the Ballymurray area, to cheer on at the world famous festival after Liverpool Rose Aine Shine was one of the contingent to make it ...
Private Ronan McCormack from Roscommon town passed away after being involved in a crash on the N61 between Knockcroghery and Roscommon at about 1.20am on Saturday. Ronan, who was 26 and from Oaklawn Drive, Racecourse Road, ...